Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Four grown men....Four small children....and Eight Women.

Four Grown Men supplied us with Cafe Rio,
 (It was Dale's credit card....Thanks Dale!!)

Fixed our broken patio table...I know what you are thinking.  It looks the same, 
Yep!  That is how good my Daddy did. 

Took naps and waited on TJ. 
(Nate napped, Dale catered to TJ, KC read his Kindle)

And the Four Small Children
Had a picnic outside.

In-flated and De-flated the bounce house.

Took small naps in the swing

At some point they invited chaos and  pandemonium.
Good choice of friends :)

And what did the 8 Women do.....
We sewed.  8 aprons :)

Successful Day!!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

President Uchtdorf and Gail Miller

This picture was taken just 1 hour after I smashed my car into this cute kids car.  To bad for him that I am 50 and an old lady.  Anyway, he was way nice to this old lady.

Do I look a little stressed.  I told Larry I would only go if he made sure I was sitting in a place were I could see President Uchtdorf.  And he delivered.  Such a handsome man. Yes, I mean both of them.

We were at the Legacy of Life dinner.  This is a dinner that Intermountain Healthcare sponsors.  They were honoring Gail Miller for her contributions to the community.  Great lady!

Fun night and yummy food!  Oh and President Uchtdorf won the centerpiece.  He was quit excited.  lol

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What Mothers Should Tell Their Sons

I found these 20 things a Mother should tell their sons.   

‎1. You will set the tone for the sexual relationship, so don't take something away from her that you can't give back. (Thank goodness they are all married)
2. Play a sport. It will teach you how to win honorably, lose gracefully, respect authority, work with others, manage your time, and stay out of trouble. And maybe even throw or catch
3. Use careful aim when you pee. Somebody's got to clean that up, you know.
4. Save money when you're young because you'll need it some day.
5. Allow me to introduce you to the dishwasher, oven, washing machine, iron, vacuum, mop and broom. Now please go use them.
6. Pray and be a spiritual leader.
7. Don't ever be a bully and don't ever start a fight, but if some idiot clocks you, please defend yourself.
8. Your knowledge and education is something that nobody can take away from you.
9. Treat women kindly. Forever is a long time to live alone and it's even longer to live with somebody who hates your guts.
10. Take pride in your appearance.
11. Be strong and tender at the same time.
12. A woman can do everything that you can do. This includes her having a successful career and you changing diapers at 3 A.M. Mutual respect is the key to a good relationship.
(There is nothing better than watching you sons be Fathers)
13. "Yes ma'am" and "yes sir" still go a long way. (I do not really think I would want someone calling me "Yes ma'am)
14. The reason that they're called "private parts" is because they're "private". Please do not scratch them in public. (HAHAHAHA but very true ;)
15. Peer pressure is a scary thing. Be a good leader and others will follow. 
16. Bringing her flowers for no reason is always a good idea.
17. Be patriotic.
18. Potty humor isn't the only thing that's humorous. (Well said)
19. Please choose your spouse wisely. My daughter-in-law will be the gatekeeper for me spending time with you and my grandchildren.(They did this perfectly)
20. Remember to call your mother because I might be missing you. (I miss you everyday)

I know I didn't teach my sons everything, but they have turned out great despite their mother.  They are everything to me....Love you :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Lacey Graduates With Her Masters!

The thing I liked best about this whole encounter was tending that cute little guy. So I am convincing her she need to get her PHD.....
Or just bring him up for lots of play dates.  Congratulations Lacey.  What a great accomplishment!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Never Shout Never

So what do you do when you teenage daughter wants to go to a concert and you have no idea at all about music??? You study the ticket.....and when it says all ages welcome you say OK you can go.
And then you purchase the ticket.....
Some of the warm up band members.....
What Ashley has been wearing since the concert..... A smile that never leaves her cute face.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My First Pink Little One

She is so cute. Just wish I could see her everyday so I can squeeze those cubby legs!

My Favorite Things