Monday, December 29, 2008

Christensen Christmas

Well we had our annual Christmas Party/Dad's Birthday Party tonight. It was lots of fun. We had good food and great company. Larry gave me a new camera for Christmas and I thought I would try it out tonight without reading any instructions and just going on my own. I didn't do so well. The subjects were incredible. The person behind the camera not so. But enjoy some Christmas celebration.

I am not sure why this one is blurry. On the camera it looks perfect.

The cute couple.

TJ always happy when he can tease Nick.

Jason is glowing? I am not sure what that means...At least there is beauty all around. That would be Lacey.

The cute girl cousins.

Not Smiling......No Way......No How!!!!

Cute Kids and Adorable Grandson, not sitting still for no picture!!!

Very handsome brothers with their beautiful wives.

I really don't know what to say about the next three pictures. Dad's in shock over how many candles are on his cake, and I am doing some funky voodoo over his candles while we are all a glow.

Yep, just another Christensen Christmas :-)
I think I will go read the owners manual now.
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!!!!


  1. Looks like fun! I wish that I could have been there! I miss you all so much! Next year lets do the annual party at my house! Everyone is invited!

  2. I'm sorry, Sherry. It wasn't your camera; we were just feeling a bit unfocused last night.
