Sunday, December 14, 2008

This Cute Little Boy Turned Fifty.....

Yep its true, last week this cute little boy turned the big five ohhhh.
Thus the previous pictures. The colonoscopy (Steve don't worry we actually own these pictures, he wanted them on the ten-o-clock news, but I assured him my blog followers (all two of them) would be sufficient). He passed with flying colors. They decided, when he arrived there, that they would also go in the other window to his soul and check out his upper GI. He was so happy when all was clean and good. He also is a proud holder of an AARP card. (When I asked to look at it he could not remember where he put it, is that another sign of 50). Anyway I love this man. And I wish him another 50 years of great healthy life.


  1. It's crazy how much Larry and Colby look alike, and now Corbin. What a bunch of cuties!

  2. Yep, that Hancock gene is strong...

  3. HOLY COW!! I still love to tell Larry that he graduated from high school the same year I was born! Happy Birthday Larry. We love you

  4. Ain't 50 great!!!! Don't let anyone tell you WE are getting old--no, no, no! (Maybe Duane is, though.)
