Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I So Love It....Post 2 of Alaska

So I am stealing pictures! I am looking at all of them and deciding on which ones to copy. I then realized maybe my picture of Larry and I was not so bad. Take a look at these shots!

The bear cubs even got into the action!

I never found one of me. YES!!! WOW!!! And then it hit me....Was those fancy wide angle cameras not big............


  1. Thank goodness none of those tushies were of me. Your view of the trip is definitely different.

  2. You definitely have a different angle of things Sherry...

  3. You are forcing me to dig deeper into all my Alaska pictures.

  4. Glad you missed me. Cute pictures of the bears cubs.

  5. Well--You focused on quite a BROAD subject. Thank you for sharing with us.
