Saturday, February 20, 2010

Personal Progress

For one of Ashley's Personal Progress projects she wanted to make a quilt for her piano teacher. She loves Janet and Janet has been a great inspiration to Ashley. Janet is also a great piano teacher. Many times Ashley has wanted to quit and Janet has talked her into continuing. Now Ashley loves the piano. She does not like to practice but she loves to play and she plays really well. Thank you Janet for being such a great influence to Ashley. And Ashley, that is one great quilt you made.


  1. Love it!! Fun, bright colors with the interspersed keyboards. Very clever. My mom helped me make a bright purple and yellow rag quilt last month and I cherish it. What a wonderful personalized gift for Ashley's teacher.

  2. Beautiful quilt Ashley. It's something you will always remember. I'm glad you are still taking piano lessons. You will enjoy it all your life.

  3. I always wish that I would have kept going with my own piano lessons. And that quilt is so cute! Nice job Ash :)

  4. What a cute quilt! Good job Ashley!

  5. Ashley can you help me with my quilt? It looks like you are the pro. Keep up with the piano and someday you can be the ward organist. Great calling!
