Friday, April 9, 2010

A Call To Germany!

Cindi has been a good friend of our family for a long time. We love her. Last night we were invited to her house to see her open her mission call.

There were a lot of people there. But the best people there were her family. Her Dad's side of the family are from Germany. I am not sure the year they came over here to the States. Her cute Grandma was there with her German accent.

There has always been something special to me about old people. Especially those who seem to keep their sense of humor. She was a cute lady and very anxious for Cindi to open her call.

We all made our predictions on where we thought Cindi would go. Her Dad gave a beautiful opening prayer and then Cindi opened her call.

She is going to the Germany, Munich Austria mission. The Lord works in Mysterious ways. Grandma just sat and cried.

Good Luck Cindi. Our prayers will be with you.


  1. Kati said that it was a neat experience, thanks for taking her!

  2. What a great experience. We are so happy for Cindi, she will make a wonderful missionary.

  3. I am so excited for her! What an awesome experience to be there for that!

  4. I need a "hundred day" Nate check-in!

  5. geez sherry you are the greatest. Thank you so much for making this miracle possible. I love you guys.
