Friday, January 9, 2009

Gifts That Have Time Written All Over Them Are The Best!

Kelli and I were talking about the pictures that her niece, Melissa, drew for Kelli's kids for Christmas.(See Kelli's Blog) They are beautiful and full of time. I told her I understood because I was the recipient of such a gift about 16 years ago.

Rae Anne was going to summer school at BYU to get her teaching degree and she was taking an art class. For my Birthday she gave me the following sketches. I will always treasure these. They are at the top of my gifts received. Thanks Rae Anne, I love you. And thanks to Kelli's niece for giving Kelli the same kind of special gift.

When we adopted Ashley, Rachel her sister, not wanting Ashley to feel left out, sketched Ashley so she could also have a picture. This was about 5 years ago.


  1. I really like Ashley's picture. I can't believe that was 16 years ago though. Wasn't it just yesterday?

  2. I love those pictures, when we were talking about them the other day I could see them clearly in my head, they made such an impression on me. Yeah RaeAnne!

  3. How beautiful! I love sketches. I wish I had that talent. I have always wanted a sketch of the house my Mom grew up in. It is such a beautiful place and I have always thought a sketch would catch it's spirit.
