Waiting in the dentist office I found an article that I loved.
"Five habits of truly happy people."
1-Don't Believe Everything You Think. (Not hear but think)
We have over 60,000 thoughts a day. And we have a tendency to register negative thoughts. Don't believe them. AKA if you get ten compliments and one criticism which do you focus more on.
They even make bumper stickers about this stuff.
2-Notice Happy Things In Your Life -- No Matter How Small.

3-Choose The Happier Thought. This does not mean deny the negitive -- just pay more attention the the positive part of the truth.

4-Tend To Your Relationships. Lots of studies have demonstrated that having good social relationships is one of the strongest predictors of happiness.

5-Find Passion and Purpose.

So me, always trying to find true Happiness....
Maybe if I start with these five.
Plus this goes with my favorite pictures so well.
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