Monday, March 9, 2009

Another Ashley-Ism

Saturday night Larry and I went to witness a sealing at the Temple. We took Ashley, TJ and Ashley's friend with us to do baptisms while we were at the sealing. We dropped them off at the baptism area and went into the temple to witness the sealing. When we were done we went back to get the kids and realized how busy they were. The temple worker told us it would probably be about an hour and a half before they would be done. So I went to talk with them and told them the situation and suggested that if they wanted to we could leave and come back another time. Ashley looked at me and said. "No Mom, you and Dad just leave and go get something to eat, like what you do on a date or your anniversary or something and then when you are all done you can come back and get us." When I was thirteen I would have never wanted to wait for anything for an hour and a half. I thought that was so cute and nice of her. So we went and had dinner. When we got back they were just finishing up and the temple worker told me they waited so patiently. I learn so much from Ashley. Thanks Ashley for a very unexpected date.

I didn't think to take a picture of the kids in front of the temple, but here is a picture of Ashley and I in front of the Hawaii Temple. Ashley was too young to participate in the temple on this trip (five years ago). So once again she waited patiently while the rest of us did work there. I love you Ashley.


  1. Ashley, you are a parent's dream.

  2. How lucky you are to have Ashley as a member of your family. We all love her.

  3. Ashley is so amazing. What a great example she is to the rest of us slackers!! I love you Ashley.

  4. Does Ashley need another grandma? I make good cookies!!

  5. Ashley... you are the coolest girl ever! I love you! We need to have another shopping day huh!
