Friday, March 13, 2009

Back In The Saddle Again...

Boy, its been a lot of years since I have sat a child in a "shopping car" How fun is this!

Although, they kind of freak me out because of the germs.

Stores however, have gotten so smart and have sani-wipes.
So after using half the container we were off.

We even did a couple of laps just for fun.


  1. He looks like he loves shopping with grandma. How much did he bring home?

  2. What a cute little guy. You must have been babysitting.

  3. Aren't grandchildren wonderful. I am not sure how to contact you or RaeAnne. So I'll do it here. The online course I take are at I have taken three of her classes and have loved them all. I am about half done with the third one. I have learned so much. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  4. Now the secret is how do you keep him in there?
